Try spitting at the computer screen. Your spit will glow rainbow!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


It's the first day of the Holy Holiday of Summer Vacation, and it's time for everyone to write some sort of deeply introspective and reflective post about what they've learned during the school year, and how they've grown as a person, but I'm not good at being serious. What even happened this year? I made some pizzas, delivered some flowers in the Hot Whip (my '96 Dodge Intrepid that smells like a petting zoo when I turn on the heat or air conditioning), had two and a half boyfriends, completed several homework assignments in the MRC seventh period, saw Guster and Iron & Wine in concert, traveled to Hawaii and got a "honey almond body spread," which was sort of whack, laughed more than I cried, wrote stories for the Evanstonian, got over my Exeter grief, got proper medication for my mental illness, realized my sort of maturity, made new friends, made a few new enemies, and was generally okay with my life.


what if I got it wrong?


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ALIVE ! And I have a cut in my bottom lip that is quite persistent.