Try spitting at the computer screen. Your spit will glow rainbow!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

jason voorhees <3 xoxo

This adorable image tickles me pink!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

posted here because it's over 140 characters

The new Pretty Lights album is ahhhmaahhZING, and I wish I could live inside a Daft Punk song. Or I wish I was the kid of dude who owns all the casinos on the Las Vegas strip. Imagine how sweet your birthday parties would be.

Monday, June 29, 2009

these are the top ten most played songs on itunes as of june 29, 2009

Just for the record:

1. "World Goes Round" - Slightly Stoopid

2. A one second clip of Tiffany "New York" Pollard stating, "I'm...the captain."

3. "Tropicana" - Ratatat

4. "Your New Twin Sized Bed" - Death Cab for Cutie (yeah, they're a bunch of shamelessly sensitive pussies but whatever man, I was a depressed adolescent girl at several points in my life thus far.)

5. "Lollipop (Nasty Ways Remix)" - Lil Wayne (one of the most incredible build-ups to a dropped beat perhaps in this century.)

6. "I Luv Your Girl (feat. Young Jeezy)" - The-Dream (Kelly told y'all, don't bring 'em to the club. DUH. Did we not learn anything from "I'ma Flirt"? I mean, come on.)

7. "Creep Fast (feat. T-Pain)" - Twista

8. "Private Eye" - Alkaline Trio (throwback that contains a shout out to channel 11, also known as the Chicago station for PBS, and I dunno, that's pretty cool.)

9. "Party and Bullshit (Ratatat Remix)" - Notorious B.I.G. (let it be noted that when I saw Notorious in theatres with five of my friends, I was the only one who stayed awake throughout the whole thing, which I guess could translate for mad $treet cred.)

10. "Say It to Me Now" - Once soundtrack (this Irish dude is pretty pissed off, but it's still a good song.)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"i just told him to s my d and then peace"

Sorry about these cloyingly romantic pictures, but you know how I feel about park benches and leaves seen through a different depth perception.

Some crazy shit includes: we don't really know why we dream. There is a theory known as the activation-synthesis hypothesis which means that activity spontaenously activates the pons, which in turn synthesizes a story from this pattern of activation, and the normal sensory information can't deal with this stimulation -- hallucinations come from this. The amygdala (the part of your brain responsible for emotional activity), and this gives dreams their emotional content [e.g. sex dreams that for some reason involve Rick Ross (the biggest boss that we've seen thus far)]. I have a Biological Psychology test tomorrow that includes vision, states of consciousness, and memory. But I gotta tell you, Role Models and The Wackness are some of the best movies that I've seen recently.

Friday, June 19, 2009

obsolete technology is my favorite kind of technology

The best compliment I've ever received was from my little sister Isabel, who left a note on my stairs following a fight with my parents: "I like you how you ARE!"

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

listen bitch, i'm about to fuck your head up with some truth

"Daydream Believer" by the Monkees automatically takes me back to That morning.

I said baby, you can have whatever you like. Yes, that includes everything on the Dollar Menu.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


1. I really recommend watching the music video for Jamie Foxx's "Blame It" aka the quintessential
DBHH (dumb but harmless ho)'s theme son. Ron Howard is in it. Richie Cunningham from "Happy Days" is featured in a music video to a song where the lyrical content is like this: Blame it on the goose! Got you feelin' loose! I can understand why you'd want The Fonz to jump over a shark on water skis or something but really, Ron Howard? What are you doing?
2. My prediction for the NBA finals is Nuggets vs. Magic. Meaning nobody will give an expired coupon about it other than the states of Colorado and Florida. (Lebron James is also a dime piece, let it be noted.)
3. "America's Funniest Home Videos" is just a primitive version of YouTube. Sorry to be so frank.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

jamaican me crazy

I liked this picture so much that I made it my Twitter background.

It is funny, how you learn it all from the beginning like you've never felt that way before. I've been pwning these boys at Super Smash Brothers N64 for $0 down and 0.0% APR aka YOU GOT PWNED FOR FREE, BITCH! I'm running out of originality but at least there's some beer left.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"this must be the place" - talking heads

...out of all those kinds of people
you got a face with a view
I'm just an animal looking for a home
share the same space for a minute or two
and you'll love me 'til my heart stops
love me 'til I'm dead
eyes that light up, eyes look through you
cover up the blank spots, hit me on the head

Friday, April 10, 2009

come here baby girl, you're now fuckin with the best in the world

I'm at gate B44 in the Denver International Airport. Marie Osmond is on Larry King. Marie: on Dieting, Depression, and Divorce. And alliteration, apparently. What she should be addressing is why the huge picture of her and Donnie on the side of the Flamingo makes her look like she needs serious dental surgery. I would be irritated at that if it were me. People are starting to board the plane but I'm way in the back and my assigned group won't get called for a while. I'm glad DIA gives you free wi-fi; also they have smoking lounges which is quite a rarity these days. My first night in Vegas I texted my mom, "YOU CAN SMOKE INSIDE HERE!" because I was pleased as punch, specifically spiked punch. Well, time to get organized so I can get on this aircraft and be home in just a few hours.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

i have to laugh to keep from crying

I got inside my Night Ride mini-van tonight and the heat was blasting and it smelled like McDonalds french fry grease and Lupe Fiasco was rapping about misfits and outcasts who listen to the Misfits and Outkast and I felt the kind of stomach pounding homesickness that only hits hard in waves. Then I got out of the car at 19th and Cascade and smoked a cigarette and it went away.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

who even knows

I really need help.

Thursday, March 05, 2009


I am staying in BOULDER for the SUMMER! (I'll be back in Evanston in July and I'm not coming for spring break cus I'm going to Lake Mead and Las Vegas.)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

they call me quiet girl, but i'm a riot

I'm reading about ethnorepublic and regional tensions in Russia. FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD!!! Seriously though, there might be 140 ethnic groups up in Russia but to quote the Vehix guy who gets newspaper ink all over his face, "[OH CHICAGO,] there's got to be a better way!!!" to get all their individual rights protected. And this shit is so sad.

Here's a soon-to-be patented idea by yours truly (COPYRIGHT!!! DO NOT STEAL!): pharmaceuticals in the form of cotton candy. They can make fluoride taste like cotton candy, so I'm sure the technology for this exists. Did you know that technology is growing at an exponential rate, so that we have really no clue what's gonna be around in twenty years? I guess that's not that impressive of a claim, since nobody can see the future (prophecies involving the Chosen One not included).

Thursday, February 05, 2009

i can hit a target through a telescope

The trick and treat and twist and turn of it all right now is to always have something to look forward to. I used to think I must've been a great white shark in a past life and now have to deal with all the bad karma from eating people/my young, but this 180 change is kind of freaking me out. Everything is falling into place. The January bullshit flotsam is officially gone, and this month might be my best ever. I don't wanna speak too sooYESITWILLBE...n.

Still, let's give Faith Hill a little bit of credit for the song "Cry" (sample hilarious YouTube comments:

southerner95 (1 week ago)

shallycat (1 week ago)
fuck exboyfriends

reera43097 (2 days ago)
all arnt but guyss
can be and its kinda
annoying...but they
just dont wanna look
week infront of uss so
i guess thats kinda sweet=/


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

my soul is covered in flamin hots

I feel like I'm on the brink and I am moderately tempted to run away to Central America and change my name and eat nachos all day and marry an optimistic deep sea diver. I am so ready for this godawful month to be over. My new years resolution to cut back on cigarette smoking is all but forgotten and my boyfriend punted my heart into a vat of hot vegetable oil - similar to the kind used to make donut holes in sixth grade cooking class. W2G, ex-boyfriend.
Thingz That are BULLSHIT:
- Ticketmaster
- people who are happy and nonchalant about it
- my current lack of productivity
- fuck it I am too frustrated to continue

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ALIVE ! And I have a cut in my bottom lip that is quite persistent.