Try spitting at the computer screen. Your spit will glow rainbow!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

they call me quiet girl, but i'm a riot

I'm reading about ethnorepublic and regional tensions in Russia. FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD!!! Seriously though, there might be 140 ethnic groups up in Russia but to quote the Vehix guy who gets newspaper ink all over his face, "[OH CHICAGO,] there's got to be a better way!!!" to get all their individual rights protected. And this shit is so sad.

Here's a soon-to-be patented idea by yours truly (COPYRIGHT!!! DO NOT STEAL!): pharmaceuticals in the form of cotton candy. They can make fluoride taste like cotton candy, so I'm sure the technology for this exists. Did you know that technology is growing at an exponential rate, so that we have really no clue what's gonna be around in twenty years? I guess that's not that impressive of a claim, since nobody can see the future (prophecies involving the Chosen One not included).

Thursday, February 05, 2009

i can hit a target through a telescope

The trick and treat and twist and turn of it all right now is to always have something to look forward to. I used to think I must've been a great white shark in a past life and now have to deal with all the bad karma from eating people/my young, but this 180 change is kind of freaking me out. Everything is falling into place. The January bullshit flotsam is officially gone, and this month might be my best ever. I don't wanna speak too sooYESITWILLBE...n.

Still, let's give Faith Hill a little bit of credit for the song "Cry" (sample hilarious YouTube comments:

southerner95 (1 week ago)

shallycat (1 week ago)
fuck exboyfriends

reera43097 (2 days ago)
all arnt but guyss
can be and its kinda
annoying...but they
just dont wanna look
week infront of uss so
i guess thats kinda sweet=/


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ALIVE ! And I have a cut in my bottom lip that is quite persistent.