Try spitting at the computer screen. Your spit will glow rainbow!

Monday, October 02, 2006

early mornin, she wakes up, knock knock knock on the door

Why was the Victorian Age so freaking gay? My mom has a calender of all these scenes with rosy-cheeked fat kids playing weird musical instruments and gallaventing around. The problem with me and history is that because I am so deeply entrenched in today's popular culture, I have a hard time forging connections with characters who lived in the past. These Victorian kids and I have nothing in common, except for maybe the shared fact that we both look creepy with Helen Keller eyes. I don't care about how they worked in a string factory and lost fingers and I certainly am not going to give them a shilling or whatever for a delicious sweet lest they ever go hungry again.

"I'm Kori, I'm 19, and even if I weren't Jewish I'd still love me some gefilte fish!"
"I'm Mike, I'm 20, and I hope this girl is tall and blonde like me...except with a vagina." - from the MTV dating show Next


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ALIVE ! And I have a cut in my bottom lip that is quite persistent.