Try spitting at the computer screen. Your spit will glow rainbow!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

for real

It is a little frightening that I lost the three basically most important material objects in my life right now.

1. My cell phone. I have terrible separation anxiety surrounding my cell phone. It is vital to my survival. If I lose it like in my tiny ass room I freAK out and have someone call it everytime. And now it's out there in the holistic great wide Earth.
2. My id card. This gets me meals and allows me access to my dorm and more or less qualifies me as a student.
3. My brand new winter coat (I am assuming that my cell phone and id card are in one of the million pockets it has). I live in like the mountains. This is some Into The Wild, Discovery Channel bullshit show on the untouched by society parts of the world, mf wildnerness. Like my house is in the mountains. Out there, it's cold as Santa Claus's tit if he had frostbite and had to skin reindeer for coats of warmth, including Rudolf's (typo but I like it) red nose as a button. Also I literally just received this beautiful coat in the mail on Thursday. (Thanks Dad.)

The reason why this is so frightening is because I never, ever, ever lose this shit. I have this ritual with myself before I leave any party slightly/moderately/extremely intoxicated where I CHECK to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. I will make sure I have my cell phone and my id card and wearing a coat is pretty standard for Colorado nights in November.

The fact that I didn't check for these and also
1. That I woke up still drunk
2. That I do not remember going home 
3. That I do not remember where I went after that last frat

is scary to me.


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ALIVE ! And I have a cut in my bottom lip that is quite persistent.