Try spitting at the computer screen. Your spit will glow rainbow!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

< not really that cool 3

I made a list of all the boys I've hooked up with. This is something I do not recommend doing, along with reading Facebook wall-to-walls of ex-boyfriends, or actually, reading wall-to-walls at all. There's a fucked up commercial for Mentos gum that involves a woman consuming water out of a dude's mouth in lieu of the office water cooler. And their tagline is "it's mouthwatering." If you ask me, they should've just stuck with The Freshmaker!!.
I feel so antisocial and fat and disgusting.


Korifaith said...

I KNOW. that commercial is really fucking creepy and i hate it.

Lexie said...

you are not fat or disgusting.

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ALIVE ! And I have a cut in my bottom lip that is quite persistent.