Try spitting at the computer screen. Your spit will glow rainbow!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

your love is worth millions of treasures, but i can't even spare a dime

I've obtained a new bad habit. It's called "chewing on my watch strap as though I am an overseer with tobacco." It's not something I'm attempting to hide, either, which means I'm chomping away on my poor time-telling device at school, around respectable people. They don't need to watch such a disgusting act, but nobody's said anything to me about it so far. Senior year so far is okay, but not great. That used to be my catch phrase from age 3-10.
- How was "The Lion King 2?"
- Okay, but not great.
- Was that donut filled with pus as delicious as the Krispy Kreme commercials made it seem?
- It was okay, but not great.
I think you understand.


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ALIVE ! And I have a cut in my bottom lip that is quite persistent.