Try spitting at the computer screen. Your spit will glow rainbow!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

"Nice blog"

This is why sixth grade is funny:

lyfsux38: well i dident kno i was going out with Sean
lyfsux38: and then i said yes to Jon

Don't ignore the fact that the screen name is "life sucks." I just started a sentence that began with "today I..." but quickly stopped myself and, as a great man once said, backed that thang up. People who just discuss what they did that day are boring. Nobody cares about your mom being a bitch or how you bought new spandex or whatever.

I don't think I'm a nice person.
In fact, I hate that word. You can say anything is nice, it just matters on what context it's in. For example, someone could hypothetically say "gee, that Hitler is sure a nice boy! Always on time and keeps his facial hair so neat! Spends a bit too much time concerned with the ovens, but it shows he cares." Saying someone is "nice" basically means you think they are 1. boring as fuck but you don't know them well enough to say anything interesting 2. a horrible person but you're talking to the nice person's parents or something and have to seem sort of caring 3. they are Rosie Sharp and then they are literally nice.

I'm regretting the choice for the title of this blog. I'm not cool.
I never think things through. It will eventually lead to my downfall. Someday.


emily said...

i love you - we're gonna study speighty chem this weekend

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ALIVE ! And I have a cut in my bottom lip that is quite persistent.